Thursday, December 19, 2019

Challenging Society Through Art. - 1073 Words

Challenging Society Through Art Art makes a statement, it is as simple as that. The most preferred type of art emotes happiness to the viewer throughout all of history. Yet, throughout the years, artists have come to challenge society’s preference of art. Artists like Gustave Courbet, Francisco Goya, and Ai Weiwei, who decided to take the challenge and start a new progression. Social critique through art is blatantly shown throughout each of their pieces: Stonebreakers, The Third of May 1808, and Sunflower Seeds. All three are similar yet different. Through comparison, a similar theme still remains present: Each artist s social critique through their artwork. These particular types of artwork will show how one moment in history changed the view of millions throughout centuries of time. With the use of symbolism, positioning of figures, historical context, color usage, and many other elements, these three works of art make an inspiring statement to the world. The first painting, Stone Breakers by Gustave Courbet depicts two males that go to work breaking stone and wearing torn and tattered clothing. This job was usually done by the lower classes of society. At this time in France there was a rising of revolutionary thinking. The reason for the sudden outbreak involved many factors, the ones portrayed in this painting are the demands of the working classes. The figures are not arranged in the typical way. Both the young and the old males are turned away from the viewer.Show MoreRelatedDonald Trump Is A Multi Billionaire Business Man Essay1313 Words   |  6 PagesSocial class is someone’s reputation in society based on their economic status. Society also defines someone’s intelligence with the level of education he/she received. Someone from a higher social class is more likely to have the means to attend a more prestigious school, and is therefore more likely to receive a higher education. 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