Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Losing Independence of India Essays

Losing Independence of India Essays Losing Independence of India Essay Losing Independence of India Essay All of us have gathered here to celebrate the 67 th Independence Day of our great Bharath Varsha. At this juncture, I want to express my perspective of Independence. Independence is such a beautiful word that reminds us of Freedom and all niceties associated with it.In all these 67 years we have managed to talk what we want, see what we like, develop technology, invade space, build nuclear bombs, choose our brands, elect our leaders, create business empires, chat and tweet and so on and so forth. What we have gained so far has been heart-warming but what we have truly lost is heart-rending. What is Independence? Independence is simply non-depending, a stand-alone. We have the right to call us Independents only when we are back to what we were? I am about to espouse on the Independences we are still to possess. Shocked? Sad? But true.Cultural Independence For Millennia, India has been the beacon of culture and civil. No other culture can compare with ours. We, Indians, can proudly say that we have actually sown the seeds of Civilization. Having been pioneers and peers of lifestyle, the current happenings in our lives is bitter and disappointing. Sad, but true. Having been slaves to a 300 year old regime, we have submitted ourselves so completely and shamelessly. We have totally ignored our glory and heritage. We are DEPENDANT and have adopted their language, dress, education, and manners. Where is our sense of Propriety?Do we lack the talent or are we inferior to anyone? No, No and No. Our immense talent and IQ have been proved beyond doubt. We have to obtain our independence from this cultural catastrophe. Folks I can quote China, Russia, France, Germany, Japan all undisputed technological giants and members of G8 learning and augmenting their skills only in their respective mother tongues and nobody has changed their identity or their culture in the past millennia. But, what about us? We have sacrificed our mother tongue, and have miserably succumbed to the Im perialist’s ploy.Friends, I am no enemy to any language, but as an independent Indian, I am only trying to get off my dependency of foreign language and foreign culture. Sad, but true Eating Independence Our great Bharat varsha is home to multiple delicacies to the vast multitudes, all well-balanced diet, rich in proteins and vitamins. This food that has nourished our bodies and souls, through these millennia, is now perceived as outmoded and outdated with the advent of Imported junk snacks. The youth of the present have become dependent of these and have become obese. Let us gain our Independence from these agents of obesity.Sad, but true. Character Independence I am pained to own up that we Indians have taken for granted that dishonesty is the way of life†. We have started voting for â€Å"Not the Honestâ€Å", but â€Å"the least Dishonest†. Sad, but true. Whilst our ithihasas, puranas, Upanishads and Vedas keep extolling honesty, and we being paradigm of tr uth once upon a time, now have lost ourselves in myriad of lies and corrupt practices perpetrated by our 300-year Masters. No doubt, Gandhiji is the epitome of truth to this world, but we Indians have managed to keep him only in our currency but discarded him from our lives. Sad, but true.Education Independence I have a complaint against on not what we learn but on what we don’t learn. Our exhaustive culture always aims at making every individual a worthy one. Through shlokas, poetry, epics and tales, our ancestors have always strived to bring the best potential in every human being. But where are those now. Not even grandmothers of this day know them. I strongly request the appropriate Authorities to reinstate those Moral Science classes and nurture those epics, which have been part and parcel of our lives for so long. Lifestyle Independence Odi Vilayadu Pappa, Nee Oynthirikka lakathu PappaSang the great Mahakavi. But where is the space now. Living in a concrete jungle, hard pressed for time we end up doing different things but no things differently. We do not have time for outdoor games, we are so engrossed with television and computers. We can’t frequent out because of pollution and traffic. Late to bed and late to rise is the order which ends up in losing. We have lost our originality and deprived our kids of what the Great Mahakavi sung. We do not even go for excursions, where we can enjoy each others’ company, as these days most of us are allergic to bus travel.Whither gost the comradeship? Whither gost the friendship? Sad but true. Parents, Teachers, all elders and the revered Chief Guest, please make us Independent. Kindly bring us back our epics, culture, food, honesty as a habit, and the brilliant childhood that you had enjoyed. We deserve it. I am feeling sad, nevertheless it is true. Fortunately we have full Independence to do what we think. I request you to think and provide us with the Independence that makes us complete pers onalities, say humans with virtue, not just Engineers and Doctors. Thanking you in advance. Jai Hind. Jai Bharath

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