Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Gender Orientation And Sexual Orientation - 1613 Words

Did you know that gay men and lesbians do not choose their sexual orientation, but rather are born with it? There has been extensive research proving that sexual orientation is caused by many biological factors, whereas there is no solid proof that social factors after birth affect sexual orientation (Swaab, 2007, p. 442). Sexual orientation is already programmed into the brain, with the influence of sex hormones and genes, before a child is even born. The development of sexual orientation is caused by sex hormones, genes, and the brain, which then cause differences in the anatomical body (LeVay, 2011, p.271). Firstly, sex hormones that mainly influence a person’s sexual orientation are the levels of testosterone during critical periods of prenatal development (LeVay, 2011, p. 132). If androgen insensitivity syndrome occurs in individuals with XY chromosomes, the gene coding for the androgen receptor is mutated, causing the receptor to either barely function, or not at all (Le Vay, 2011, p. 137). This causes their body to not respond to testosterone, so they begin to develop physically as a female. From here on, they are usually raised as girls, and they develop an attraction to males, as well a feminine-typical traits. A condition that can occur in females is called Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, which is when there are above normal amounts of prenatal testosterone and androgens, which causes a female to grow up with masculinized traits (LeVay, 2011, p. 134). A majorityShow MoreRelatedSexual Orientation And Gender Orientation Essay903 Words   |  4 Pagese Henry Paper 4 Sexual orientation The theme that we have been focusing on in class for the past two weeks is sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is more complex than just the gender a person is attracted to. 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