Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Wrong Body Essay - 4944 Words

The manifestation of being â€Å"trapped in the wrong body† is a well-documented component of the transgender narrative that summarizes the psychosocial stress of the experiences of many transgender people (e.g., Mason-Schrock 1996; Prosser, 1998). ‘Wrong body’ is employed accordingly to elucidate how an individual’s biological sex and body do not match his or her gender identity, a â€Å"person’s basic sense of being male, female, or of indeterminate sex† (American Psychological Association [APA], 2009, p. 28). Recently in the ABC (a well-recognized American broadcasting company) prime-time television special, American hero of the 1976 Summer Olympics, Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn) shared to Diane Sawyer, an established American news reporter, that s/he was living in the wrong body (April 24, 2015). However, this wrong body personification and associated negative outcomes are not limited to sex and gender. Such experiences can depict other in dividuals whose identity or sense of self does not match his or her physical body in several additional ways. For example, soon after the Jenner story broke (June of 2015), Rachel Dolezal- civil rights activist and former president of the Spokane (Washington) chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP)- revealed to a reporter from the popular United States television network NBC that she was also born in the wrong body, similar to Jenner, but as â€Å"Black† woman in â€Å"White† body (Stahlman, 2015). Whereas theShow MoreRelatedArticle Review on Inside the Wrong Body1253 Words   |  6 PagesArticle Review on â€Å"Inside the Wrong Body† Introduction In the article, â€Å"Inside the Wrong Body† by Carrie Arnold the main topic of study is about interoceptionability in humans. According to Carrie, interoceptionsimply is the knowledge of one’s internal bodily functions (Arnold, 2012). 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