Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Media Negatively Affects Body Image - 1153 Words

Media negatively affects body image. medias are technology based platforms for opinions and facts, and have a wide spectrum of views. Body image must do with how one sees themselves and it can be either positive or negative. Across the board, the biggest platforms media has used to distort the image of the body are social media, TV, and magazines. Body images have been an ongoing controversial issue throughout history, especially with women, but with men as well. As technology grows and furthers the â€Å"filters† and photoshopping capabilities, the easier it gets to create and unrealistic image for one to live up to. It has gotten worse as technology updates, since it now is affecting children at a younger age, at the same time, it has also†¦show more content†¦Social media is negatively affecting body image, but only because it is derived from TV. Television has been around since 1927, that is only one hundred and ten years, so relatively recent, yet it has had a st rong influence on body image in society. Women are oversexualized and men are very masculine as far as having a six-pack and large biceps. TV is worse in the sense that now those â€Å"perfect bodies† are in action. For example, the Bachelor in Paradise comes on every season and it creates an up roar of women wishing they had that type of body, as those bachelorettes go prancing in the sand in a tiny bikini. No overweight or someone perceived as ugly has been in a reality TV show or broadcasted. Nine out of ten women’s bodies were at least minimally exposed, and close to one-third were partially or fully undressed and almost half of the men appeared on screen either partially or fully nude, which would create the illusion that women should have perfectly molded bodies and show them off all the time (Flynn). Something like that could be a serious problem if say a thirteen-year-old was watching those shows, influencing how that girl or boy might see his or her own body, creating a conflict within one’s self. Viewers share the misperception that these body types are common and normal, which is exactly why teens frequently judge themselves based on the body types of their peers and the body types of those seen in media is a negativeShow MoreRelatedMedia Negatively Affects The Self Esteem And Body Image Of Young Girls861 Words   |  4 Pages The media negatively affects the self-esteem and body image of young girls. The media is known for broadcasting thin models and not taking into consideration the affect that it could have on millions of young women. When young girls see thin models that they aspire to be on TV increases their concerns about their bodies and that causes young girls to develop eating disorders, such as excessive dieting, bulimia and anorexia. 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